Dr McKellar & Dr Thies
Clinton Krause Architect
43 Fairy St Warrnambool Victoria
Warrnambool has long been synonymous with extensive choices of hotels and breweries. In the 1890’s there were four breweries operating in the south west coastal town alone. Established in 1886, The Royal Hotel emerged as the go to place for local tradesman and business owners to network and build relationships. In the 1990’s the Royal adjusted to modern times and developed a solid reputation amongst locals and tourists as the perfect venue to enjoy a hearty pub meal in a family friendly environment.
In 2016, owners and partners Dr Campbell McKellar and Dr Ami Thies, have continued the community connection and transformed the building into a medical hub, converting the old bistro into consulting suites and signalling the completion of the first stage of this exciting and innovative renovation of this historical venue. Mid Century modern natural timbers are prominent throughout the building and invite patients and visitors alike to feel relaxed and at ease. Generous seating and a constructive design which entices natural light compliment the bespoke fixtures and fittings to create an almost living room feel, rejecting the typical clinical style waiting room of most medical practices.
There is an enormous dividing wall exhibiting an authentic watercolour landscape by local artist; Susan Sambell. A designated children’s play area features a carved wood tree and provides an interactive haven for little people to enjoy, prior to their doctors visit. Future plans include a licenced café/bar offering Mediterranean inspired meals. The long term vision is to encourage patrons and clients to implement a holistic healthy lifestyle and provide the community full access to an extensive selection of allied health professionals in the one location.